Easter Sonnet Sequence

Copyright 1999 by Robert Grob

He trudges on, bowed down with heavy load,

His visage marred by blood and sweat and pain.

He stumbles, falls, gets up and falls again

Until at last he lies there in the road.

Too spent He is to carry further on

The pain and anguish bowing shoulders down -

The crossbeam is but part he bore from town -

And now His human strength is done and gone.

A passerby is pressed to aid him there

And staggers under part of His great load -

But with this aid He finishes His road

To meet pending appointment in Death's Lair.

'Twas human pain and suffering we see

Upon the road He walked to Calvary.

Upon the road He walked to Calvary

The crowds were hostile, crying for His doom.

Even some who'd been at Lazarus' tomb

Cried for His blood to be shed on a tree.

The miracles he'd done seemed fables then -

Just stories to amuse, impress the crowd -

Though some who'd been there feared to say out loud

They knew the truth and that they'd been there when.

The crowd joined in this monstrous spectacle

And jeers and jests flowed freely from their lips -

Adding to their cruelty their quips

That maybe now He'd work a miracle.

In silence bore he all their jests and jeers

Though eloquent beyond all words, His tears.

Though eloquent beyond all words, His tears

Had started quite a while before this day -

Great drops of blood and tears when e'er He'd pray

And at a tomb while calming Mary's fears.

He'd shown His power, made a dead man live

But now He'd come, a living man to die,

And there upon Golgotha's Hill to try

His Love and Grace to all mankind to give.

The hammer struck, the spikes tore through his flesh,

And as the cross was dropped into its hole

The agony He bore to make us whole

Brought home to Him Love's Sacrifice afresh.

'Twas not the nails that held Him on that tree

But love which brought Him to Mount Calvary.

But love which brought Him to Mount Calvary

Was sorely tested in His trial there.

Stripped naked, mocked and ridiculed, to dare

Forgive His enemies and you and me.

Though thirsting, from a drug He turned away

Choosing to embrace the thirst and pain

And when a dying thief begged life again

He promised he'd see Paradise that day.

All His life He'd known His Father's touch

But when His Father turned away from Him

And there, forsaken, felt the cost of sin

The test His love there bore was near too much.

His life and blood He shed for men to save

Yet still to Father's care His Spirit gave.

Yet still to Father's care His Spirit gave

Well knowing into Death's dark hold He walked

And breaking then His silence, there He talked

Speaking words both triumphant and brave.

And as He spoke, a light shone from his face

Illuminating darkness, doubts and fears;

Death's chains fell off and some with joy and tears

Believed and walked in His triumphant grace.

Three days passed by. Death's kingdom shattered by

This One upon whom Death could find no hold

And as He preached with words both clear and bold

God's plan was clear why Jesus had to die.

For on the third day, when He rose again,

Hell knew He was the first of many men.