She puts that one tooth to good use to with all the food that she loves to eat...
Watch out as she will hit you up for some before you leave...
Should have named he Li Begger as that is what she is....
We love her anyways tho.....Always hungry or not..
Boy I tell you between the two of them
they really keep this G'ma a hopping around.
by the name of "Peepers."
You can find him peeping out of anything..
Trying so hard not to be seen or found til Easter but gets caught
everytime..He is so special that he came with his own special award..
He enjoys playing with the other bunnies on this page to.
Easter Faerie named "Le'Egg."
She is a special Faerie you can
adopt for the Easter Holidays.
She is in charge in seeing all of our adopted family gets there own
specail Easter egg with there name on.......
As we have great love for the Spirit of Easter,The animals and for the people.
As that is what she reminds us of.......A new beginning that God has given each and every one of us.